Tshiping Water User Association

Working together for sustainable water use

Ensuring the sustainable use of water resources for the benefit of all
About Us

Empowering Water Users for Mutual Benefit

The Tshiping Water User Association (TWUA) is a cooperative association of individual water users who wish to undertake water related activities for their mutual benefit. The specific nature of the service that the TWUA provides is captured within the Constitution and the Business Plan of the TWUA.

Register for the Full System

The Tshiping Water User Association (TWUA) aims to regulate the water resources and water uses within the area of operation in such a way that the sustainable use of water resources is ensured to the benefit of the ecology and all water users in the area. Registering with Tshiping TWUA gives you access to detailed groundwater data in D41J and D73A catchment areas in the Vaal Water Management Area of Central Northern Cape.

Why Register?


Manage your property’s groundwater data


Monitor surrounding areas groundwater data


Analyse water level, water chemistry, and rainfall trends over time